Seeing Spring

March 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Spring is just around the corner, and this year, the blooms are bound to open early with the mild winter we have had.  Some of those who call themselves photographers love to go out and chase the beauty of spring.  There is something about the early spring greens that just cannot be matched throughout the rest of the year.  The very shapes of flowers intrigue us as we literally watch life unfold before our very eyes.  Personally, I love ferns and dogwoods, and have been privileged to be able to shoot both in thier various stages of life.  One glows with effervescent colors while the other intrigues with its curling pattern.  Each as unique as we are!


Yet we usually do not see many of these unique features simply because we don't slow down enough to really see them.  This spring, as life returns to these mountains and valleys, take a few minutes to slow down when something of beauty catches your eye.  Spend some time getting to know that flower or tree or bird or whatever it may be.  If your camera is handy, make some pictures.  One of my favorite images to date comes from an afternoon I spent literally dancing with a dogwood tree - getting to know it from every concievable angle.  By the time the evening light was hitting it just right, I knew exactly the shot that I wanted from that tree .... and she graciously gave it to me.  glowing dogwood04-24-6730


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